She was a saint, she was a miracle,
She lives inside my memories.
She never lied, she never cursed,
She never did unlawful things.
She told me stories every night,
Before I met the land of dreams.
Stories collected from her youth
And kept inside through centuries.
And when she told me all of them,
She started right there at the top.
And I was listening again.
And I was drinking every drop.
She always smiled holding my hand.
Even when she could see me not...
And she was crying happily,
Seeing my face inside her thoughts.
She didn't closed her eyes that day.
Maybe she waited there for me...
Maybe that's why she comes alive,
From time to time, within a dream...
And she is beautiful and warm
And makes me sleep so peacefully,
Thinking that every day and night
She watches from there over me.
foarte frumos scrii... sigur persoana careia ii dedici aceste versuri iti era foarte draga... si inca iti mai este... frumos! Keep up the good work!
da, este despre o persoana foarte importanta pentru mine: bunica mea. am tinut mult la ea si inca mai tin. din pacate nu mai este printre noi...
am incercat sa dau de tine, dar n-am avut succes :p. ma poti contacta tu?
E foarte trist sa pierzi pe cineva drag... Mie intotdeauna mi-a fost teama de momentul in care o sa mi se intample asta, mai teama decat de propria-mi moarte...
Te pot contacta daca-mi lasi un id de mess. Sau da tu add,te rog, la poseidon2210. O seara faina si multe idei minunate pentru poemele tale!
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