- I will leave you alone someday,
My flesh is meant to become dirt,
For me there is no other way,
I must return where I came from.
- Then I shall take this journey too,
I want to share your destiny,
If there’s a place you’re going to,
I’m offering my company.
- You have to follow your own fate,
I can not tie your life to mine,
Your kind leaves to another plane,
My kind accepts – we have to die.
- I’d rather live an year with you,
Than live a thousand years without,
I followed fate for far too long,
Now I should follow my own heart.
- Then it’s together, hand in hand,
We live in two, we die in two.
- Yes, it’s together, hand in hand,
We live in two, we die in two.
Friday, 3 December 2010
The Tale Of…
Thursday, 2 December 2010
A Greater War
City to clothe the hill in white,
Protector for the kingdom’s might,
A guardian to watch the fields,
Now just a witness to be killed.
You cannot see the ground from fight,
It used to be all green and bright,
All blackened now by enemies,
And marked with blood and misery,
On giant beasts they clean their way,
On war machines they come today,
Each one of us fights ten of them,
Weakened by fear and low morale.
This war destroys the strongest minds,
And kills the strongest of our sons,
Something so little set the way,
For greater wars, put peace astray.
And they emerged throughout the trees,
Entering war on noble steeds,
To fight the battle of their lives,
The king, his men, ride side by side.
A shadow whispers death inside,
The one true leader of the nine,
This one cannot be killed by man,
But by two hands of different kind,
The army of the cursed arrives,
An oath since they were all alive,
Reclaim their honor once again,
They came into the human’s aid.
The guardian is almost dead,
The strongest gone, the son is saved,
The time for reconstruction comes,
Revive the witness from the ground.
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Battle Of Osgiliath
The fog of war begins to change,
A red horizon marks our end,
The enemy attacks with rage,
In rain and mud we face our death.
A creature circles in the sky,
Just like a raven circles prey,
In waves of doom it screams and flies,
Preparing to attack I’d say,
There is a power that attracts.
Closer and closer they will come,
Driven by hunger and by chants,
Driven by hunger for the One.
The rocks are flying even more,
Precision gain with every flight,
Destroying buildings I adore,
The Host of Stars will never shine.
The mounted champion of the South,
Black armor shields his forceful chest,
The second of the Steward’s sons,
The blood of courage fills his veins.
Blade welcomes blade to spark and thrill,
In force and energy they fight,
Clenching their hands around the hilts,
Thrusting each time even more might.
A poisoned arrow leaves the bow,
A steady hand, an eager eye,
To send a soul into unknown,
Before it was his time to die.
The Host of Stars is falling down,
In dust and pieces of its walls,
In shame we have to turn around,
Retreating to some greater wars.
Sunday, 28 November 2010
New Weapons
You can feel this night is restless,
Their feet are rustling the ground,
The air quakes, reverberates,
They bring our defenses down.
Ten thousand voices shouting war,
Our whispering silent, unseen.
We have just kids to fight for us,
They brought at fight another breed.
The fortress screams in plain despair,
While ladders escalade the walls.
The gate is forced – battering ram,
They use a culvert as a door.
He holds a flaming torch in hand,
And so they make a way for him,
To scar the fortress even more,
With blasting-fire that he brings.
The horn now sings our offence,
We cut our way through enemies,
And on the hill we see our friends,
And we can feel the victory!
Thursday, 25 November 2010
This old man that sits on his throne,
His blank eyes share no more wisdom,
Like a figure turned into stone,
He no longer rules his kingdom.
His mind attached to vibrant strings,
The puppeteer of the king,
Pushes and pulls and takes and brings,
The king is blind, he cannot see.
Imprisoned by the filthy worm,
And the corruption gives him form,
Contained into a separate world,
He lives his life without control.
To speak a word in someone’s name,
Your kingdom falls but you restrain
Your thoughts into a sordid game,
Replacing your honor with shame.
What spell brings clouds inside your head?
What storm brings rain atop your land?
Who’s stopping you to move your hand?
Who took your place and leads instead?
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Swimming Ghosts
Mesmerized I touch the surface.
My fingertips emerge in cold.
I lust to touch that vivid face
That shivers me in every bone.
A million faces watching me,
Inviting me to join their land.
They sing a song of harmony,
Calling, inciting to descend.
I fight a presence I don’t feel.
I can’t seem control myself.
Something is forcing me to kneel,
And touch the water with my hand.
Spirits of the long forgotten,
Ever swimming in this marshes,
Wandering without a pattern,
Till their bodies become ashes.
Where are they now?
Who’s guiding them?
Who wears the blame?
Who’s tricking them?
I find myself among the ghosts,
They pull me to the bottom now.
I feel their breath, I am so close,
I plunged into the end somehow.
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
My weakness made me feel remorse.
I vainly knocked at opened doors.
A man described only by flaws;
All good I’ve done eclipsed by worse.
I came to realize at last
Life rises slow but falls so fast.
Your feet might walk a field of grass
That ends someplace in pure contrast.
I fight my real enemies,
Those in my head, those in my eyes,
Protect my friends for future lies,
I raise my sword once more to fight.
Pressure is filling up my chest,
These wounds can’t stop me clean my past.
I find my life in reddish dusk,
No clouds to give the sun a mask.
I’ve blown the horn, but who’s to come?
There are more threads to overcome.
I’m not alone, I have my arms,
And little friends, I meant no harm.
It rains with arrows from the sky!
Gravity makes me bend my knees,
And pulls me down near a tree,
And life escapes my dying heart,
And planted arrows tear me apart.
Monday, 22 November 2010
Fly! Don’t you dare to look behind!
A demon from the deep draws near!
Awakened from his mystic sleep,
It bursts his way to induce fear.
Frenzy of shadow and darkness,
Extended wings from wall to wall,
A growl of rage and agony
Brings fire in the giant hall,
Black, hard skin and a devil’s tail,
It speaks in quakes that shake the ground,
Its claws could tear apart the stone,
It wears two horns stead of a crown.
A gap between us must be placed,
Hole in the bridge to fall within;
Armed with a whip, it grabbed my leg
And dragged me down to fall within.
Fly! Don’t you dare to look behind!
This fight cannot be fought by you!
Don’t cry for me, I will return,
But now I have to fight this foe.
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Page 24
There is a lesson written here
But I have learned the hard way.
If you can choose it, choose it wise;
Don't let them mold you like you're clay.
And in these words I find myself;
My past is storied in these lines.
The rounded letters make me read again
And realize that now I fly.
And those who wrote them must have seen
A truth that others cannot see.
Cause otherwise there'd be less pain
And we would meet more happy kids.
The shapes are less important now;
The lines are drawn just as a clue.
They are not laws, they cannot tell
Of what you should or should not do.
Saturday, 20 November 2010
Peste Mulți Ani
Tare sub mine, scaunul geme la orice mișcare
Mă ține încă treaz și drept, cu ideea în minte
Iar corpul meu suspină și plânge, vrea relaxare
Dar mâna îmi fuge și conturează alese cuvinte
De ce să vreau să dorm când știu deja ce voi visa?
Friday, 19 November 2010
Ieri Era Mai Simplu… (Lepidoptera)
Sunt ca nou
Am priceput esența acestui miraj
Sunt slăbit acum de greșeala făcută
Dar mă simt puternic și sigur de ce va urma
Mă voi întregi imediat
Mă voi ridica din acest pat de spital
Mă voi deplasa de aici pe picioarele mele
Mă voi curăța de orice păcat
Mă voi completa cu nenumărate bucăți
Mă voi transforma în ceea ce mereu am visat
Da, știu cât va fi de greu
Abia acum pricep
Ceea ce credeam până nu demult
Ceea ce vedeam în somn era simplu
Ceea ce părea banal și superficial
Ceea ce mă făcea să mă simt gol și impur
Abia acum înțeleg că sunt slab
Nici măcar nu am plecat de pe loc
Abia acum pot privi până sus
Către vârf
Printre zecile de obstacole
Printre primejdii și greutăți
Printre sutele de răni care mă vor contura
Abia acum sunt puternic
Acum că știu cât de mic sunt
Și cât de uscat
Și cât de impur
Și fără substanță
Și fără habar
Și fără o siguranță
Dar fără nimic de pierdut
Completat de dorință
Și de faptul că știu cine sunt
Că trebuie să mă descurc fără o hartă
Fără confortul dat de ignoranță
Fără o cale anume
Cu ochii pe punctul final
Și cu aripi
Cu aripi puternice
Cu aripile mele
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Noul Prag Al Evoluţiei (Lepidoptera)
Stau întins pe un pat de spital
Iar fire cresc multe din mine
Mă privesc dintr-un colț izolat
Parcă mă uit la o amintire
Lângă pat, o femeie în alb
Iar pe noptieră, o plantă
Aparatele îmi cântă suav
Îmi repetă aceeași bucată
Timpul este parcă stătut
Iar lumina slabă și tristă
Nimic nu se animă în vânt
Nici măcar o muscă nu mișcă
Parcă admir un tablou fără gust
Cu puține culori și expresii
Atârnat și uitat cât mai sus
Plin de praf și gol de sugestii
Mă gândesc ca asta nu-i artă
Ceva necesită o schimbare
Un motiv sculptat într-o piatră
Un țel mai cu zvâc și mai mare
Și mă mișc pas cu pas către pat
Mă așez și mă culc peste mine
Cu corpul meu sunt acum îmbrăcat
Sângele iar îmi curge prin vine
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Zbor Peste Capete Plecate (Lepidoptera)
Ce este acest mușuroi ce viermuiește sub mine?
De ce merg cu toții numai pe căi deja conturate?
De ce sunt legați de linii imaginare și aspre?
Cum de nu văd conturul pe care se-avântă spre moarte?
Au un instinct ce-i îndeamnă să trăiască animalic
Un virus murdar care se hrănește cu seva din ei
Acesta le sapă încetul cu-ncetul o groapă adâncă
Iar fiecare aruncă în ea zi de zi noi idei
Și când vor rămâne goi și secați de nuanța lor albă
Când nu vor mai avea cu ce să umple groapa adâncă
Cuprinși de normal și de obiceiul de-a umple de tot
Se vor lepăda de ei înșiși hrănind virusul încă
Și atunci care e scopul pentru care toți viermuim?
Ce datorăm acestei lumi ai cărui paraziți suntem?
Nu însemnăm oare numai un rău necesar dar acut?
O varietate de larve, un foc violent, un blestem?
Ne putem bântui și speria unii pe alții continuu
Purtăm măști cu ochi mari și negrii și dinți ascuțiți
Ne batem pe unele frunze, iar altele cad între timp
Uscate, bătute de vânt, iar apoi le privim amețiți
Pârjolim pământul de toată substanța lui minunată
Scoatem din rădăcini fiecare avantaj dăruit cu căldură
Facem loc pentru gropi în care să ascundem secrete
Locuri în care să ne depozităm excesul de ură
Suntem niște omizi fără pic de avânt prin inele
Am vrea toți să zburăm de pe ramuri prea joase
Căci sus frunzele-s dulci și-mplinite, verzi și curate
Dar drumu-i prea lung și-urcările tare anevoioase
Numai câțiva realizează cum își pot crește aripi
Și-atunci pot zbura către oaza plină de daruri
Dar aripile sunt doar o metaforă simplă și justă
Pentru un drum dificil spre necunoscute finaluri…
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Un Nou Început (Lepidoptera)
Acum renasc din propria-mi cenuşă
Şi mă ridic spre cer bătând aerul cald
Sunt fabricat din noi fibre, substanţe
Iar sângele meu nu mai e roşu ci alb
Nu pot fi rănit sau culcat la pământ
Nimic nu mă poate atinge, privi
Iar poziţia din care privesc eu acum
Este cu mult deasupra celor ce-s vii
Mă simt ca un fulg legănat de curent
Îl las să mă poarte cum vrea printre nori
Uit pentru o clipă ce-am devenit
Mă pierd printre senzaţii şi printre fiori
Apoi îmi revin şi cobor din înalt
Cu capul curat şi spălat de simţiri
Aproape pot ignora propriul meu trup
Și propriile-mi gânduri cu gust de venin
Iar clarul e clar, simplitatea e simplă
Nimic nu ascunde vederii justeţea
Pot da la o parte masca de ceaţă
Și îi pot admira lumii potenţa
Sunday, 19 September 2010
Metamorfoză (Metamorfoză)
Şi ştiu că o să mă transform în scrum
Stadiul în care sunt acum
N-a fost făcut ca să dureze oricum
De ce să-ncerc să îl supun
De ce să-ncerc să îl transpun
La legi făcute ca să cadă-oricum?
Evenimentele ce vor urma
Vor modela şi vor schimba
Vor transforma şi vor împrospăta
Ceea ce pân-acum trăia
Ceea ce pân-acum gândea
Pe cel ce până nu demult stagna
Un pas făcut rămâne-un pas făcut
Chiar de-l vei regreta acut
Fie că ai urcat sau ai căzut
Nu vei putea să-l dai vândut
Nu vei putea să-l faci pierdut
Îl vei lua cu tine în mormânt
Tot ce se va-ntâmpla cu viaţa ta
Fiece pas făcut în ea
Rămâne scris şi nu va dispărea
În continuare va vibra
În continuare va conta
Totul va fi notat în cartea ta
Iar de te vei schimba într-un moment
Îţi voi dori un pas corect
Sau vei alege-un nou comportament
Nimic nu este permanent
Nimic nu este concludent
Fiece gând imprimă un efect
Dar dacă-acel moment vine târziu?
Vor spune că nu te mai știu?
Te vor uita închis intr-un sicriu?
Vei fi rigid și sărbeziu?
Vei fi la față maroniu?
Vei rătăci printr-un tărâm pustiu?
Thursday, 22 July 2010
Închidere În Sine (Metamorfoză)
Acum lumea se strânge în jurul meu
Fiecare idee se scurge din mine
Simt moleşeala cum muşcă din carne
Şi mă transformă-ntr-o vagă-amintire
Pereţii se-apropie furându-mi respirul
Mă-năbuşe aerul cald ce-l înghit
Sunt îndemnat să-nchid ochii şi mintea
Să mă leagăn în vânt atârnat de un fir
O solitară idee-mi rămâne în minte
Şi simt efectele descompunerii mele
Nu le percep în clare detalii şi-aspecte
Dar sunt conştient că nu-s reversibile
Şi poate regret momentan ce-am făcut
Căci spaima mă face să tremur cu totul
Poate-am deschis un cufăr cu chinuri
Poate nu acesta-i soluţia, antidotul
Să blestem acum clipa nefastă şi grea?
Probabil am fost laş privind muntele negru
Am ales să m-arunc în râpa fără de fund
Ar fi trebuit să urc încetul cu-ncetul
Dar la ce bun să consum timpul rămas
Cu regrete şi spaime, cu „ce-ar fi fost dacă”?
Mai am câteva clipe de simţire în mine
Voi trăi fiecare secundă ce mi-a fost dată
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Adorm Încet (Metamorfoză)
Adorm încet cu gândul la un vis
În care ştiu că totul îmi va fi permis
Şi am să pot gusta din fructul interzis
Fără să simt cumplitul compromis
Adorm încet sperând la soare cald
Şi am să fiu cuprins val după val
De raze care mă vor mângâia suav
Purtându-mă afară din real
Adorm încet tânjind după remediu
Un loc ascuns, poate bătrânul rediu
Şi am să trec de straşnicul asediu
Şi de clădirile durate din vanadiu
Adorm încet privind spre înălţimi
Căci voi urca pe vrejul meu cu spini
Până pe cele mai înalte culmi
Şi voi dansa printre neînţeleşi străini
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Ceva Ciudat (Metamorfoză)
Simt ideea cum vine şi mă îmbracă în voal
Senzaţia e nouă, nu pot ghici ce va urma
Mă las purtat de dans înspre necunoscut
Şi număr fiecare clipă pe care pot s-o gust
Mă ia de dedesubt şi mă ridică încetişor
Şi se strecoară pe sub mine pulsând aleator
Lumina mi se stinge şi cad în somn plăcut
Înghit ultima oară şi mă scufund, sunt mut
Friday, 16 July 2010
În Curând Va Răsări Soarele (Larvae)
Există tratamente pentru orice-ai avea
Pastile albe, prospecte imprecise
Şi scrisuri mici venite să explice
Rele diverse ce apoi vor apărea
Există şi metode prin care poţi să uiţi
Şi lumi întregi se vor deschide-n mintea ta
Îţi vor substitui constant imaginaţia
Şi te vor ajuta mereu ca să te minţi
Există mii de feluri prin care poţi scăpa
Iar toate vor să sape adânc în buzunar
Vor profita de fiecare om murdar
Zicând că numai ei îl mai pot curăţa
Există chiar şi o metodă permanentă
Şi stă la îndemâna fiecărui om
Căci poţi lua o sfoară şi poţi găsi un pom
Sau doctoria de pe întreaga lună
Thursday, 15 July 2010
Lipsuri (Larvae)
Marele oraş are grijă de tot
Va nivela orice pas eronat
Şi poate tu vei dori să alergi
El nu te va opri din start
Dar următorul semafor
Va licări roşu în ochi
Şi cei lăsaţi în urma ta
Vor fi cu tine cot la cot
Cinci minute-n lumea asta
Înseamnă ore undeva
Căci vei simţi timpul curgând
Zburând rapid prin faţa ta
Te vei trezi, la şapte vei pleca
Şi vei întârzia cumplit
Cinci minute mai devreme
Şi-ai fi pierdut marele circ
Aş vrea să-ncep să merg în mâini
Toţi ceilalţi îşi folosesc picioarele
Şi-aş vrea să stau numai în cap
Poate aşa-mi voi rezolva enigmele
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Marele Pom Al Vieţii (Larvae)
Toţi au pereţii lor şi sete pentru complicaţii
Iar simplitatea s-a pierdut în drumul ei spre noi
Şi văd un roi de ţeluri moarte şi necesităţi
Care transformă apa şi săpunul în noroi
Văd măşti acoperind la rândul lor mai multe măşti
Şi oameni care-şi vând sărutul pentru un post mai bun
Iar lumea este toată alcătuită doar din scări
Care promit că sus găseşti un scaun de stăpân
Toţi vor doar bogăţii materiale şi respect
Şi papagali dresaţi care repetă linii seci
O casă mare, albă, care s-arate că eşti demn
Şi o maşină sănătoasă cu care să te-ntreci
Iar minţile bolnave sunt saturate cu obsesii
Feţe distorsionate de zâmbete perverse
Ochi scânteind alimentaţi cu primele impresii
Priviri care dezbracă şi fantezii diverse
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
Un Început Ca Oricare Altul? (Larvae)
Moale sub mine, perna îmi fură visele
Se umflă cu idei pe care eu le pierd subit
Dar este încă plin izvorul care curge
Şi îmi alimentează somnul necontenit
De ce să mă trezesc când ştiu deja ce o să fac?
Şi vreau să prelungesc acest moment sublim
Dar simt viaţa cum curge prin corpul adormit
Văd lumea viselor scurgându-se din mintea mea
Şi orice-aş face de ea nu pot ca să mă prind
De ce să mă trezesc când ştiu deja ce o să fac?
Regret pulsul ce creşte şi îmi animă corpul
Aşa inert cum vieţuiam clipa tocmai trecută
Eram într-un tărâm în care numai timpul
Constituia o limită veşnic nepricepută
De ce să mă trezesc când ştiu deja ce o să fac?
Mirosul de real mi-a inundat deja fiinţa
Încep să fiu alergic la traiul meu banal
De ce să fac acelaşi lucru-n fiecare zi?
De ce să am aceleaşi ţeluri în fiecare an?
De ce să mă trezesc când ştiu deja ce o să fac?
Monday, 12 July 2010
În Urmă Cu Mulţi Ani
Trebuie să ai un ideal în viaţă, fiule
În junglă nu poţi să supravieţuieşti
decât dacă-ţi propui să fii tu leu
Trebuie să mergi mereu numai în faţă, fiule
Şi nici măcar să nu priveşti gloata din spate
atunci când vezi că dă de greu
Friday, 9 July 2010
Atrasă de lumină atunci când cerul râde
Nu te ascunzi de raze, căldura te pătrunde
Iradiezi în juru-ţi cu valuri de culoare
Emani zâmbete demne de desenat pe soare
Lumea văzută prin ochii tăi deschişi adânc
Are o şansă bună să fie caldă în curând
Atinsă de-ntuneric atunci când cerul plânge
Nu vezi undele negre, răul nu te ajunge
Ignori norii ce tună şi fulgeră cumplit
Esteticul funebru îţi pare astfel împlinit
Lumea atinsă de mâna ta purtată blând
Are o şansă clară să fie pură în curând
Aprinsă argintiu atunci când noaptea paşte
Nu vezi steaua ce moare, vezi steaua care naşte
Ierţi cerului cruzimea şi crezi promisiunea lui
Eternul va ploua cu stele, lumină îţi va dărui
Lumea-nţeleasă de gândul tău drept şi profund
Are o şansă bună să strălucească în curând
Ascunsă după negru atunci când noaptea-i oarbă
Nuanţa ta se schimbă şi parca eşti mai albă
Iar parul tău se joacă, dansează-n întuneric
Energic fuge sângele cu roşul său feeric
Lumea-ascultată de inima ta ritmat pulsând
Are o şansă clară să îşi revină în curând
Sunday, 6 June 2010
In the largest ocean where the water sleeps
A city overlooks the calmness of the deep
A glowing in the dark, permanently lit
Prepared to welcome guests and never set them free
A place where science thrones and art is at its best
Where god is just a story about the keeper’s pets
Where evolution climbs towards the highest step
And people never fear of what is coming next
And in this mighty city where everyone’s a friend
There’s not a single reason for which you must pretend
Your freedom is your own and it will never end
As long as you don’t try to leave the ocean’s bed
But years came and went and years said their words
Cause chaos is foundation for order in the world
And nevermore the city resembles what once was
And ruin and disaster blown unity to thirds
Somewhere in this marvel a bigger marvel lays
And years of oblivion did not erase the ties
A man awakes and trembles and he remembers eyes
A journey waits ahead conditioned by his pride
And not a single problem could stop him in his task
His daughter waits for him to hold her in his arms
Just like he used to do in memories from the past
And soon she’ll rest again within his gentle grasp
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
My Ticket Out Of...
There is no ticket
That can give you access through
There is no shortcut
And there is no limit too
There is no key
That can open locks for you
There are no bars
This is not a prison, fool
There is no cage
That you find yourself into
There is no term
That can give you back your youth
There is no bird
With a broken wing or two
There’s no mistake
You did not provoked a wound
I was the friend of a chestnut
In the night that I was sold out
We were walking, there is no doubt
Through the city that was locked up
There is no road
That can lead you out of town
There are no trees
To misguide or guide you on
There is no door
That can guarantee your freedom
There is no peephole
That can show what waits upon
There are no villains
That are hiding underground
There is no reason
You should find yourself alarmed
There is no link
That is missing or is broken
There is no edge
And there is no ticket out of…
How long does it take to a bug
To reproduce the human walk?
How fast can it evade the guards
Through the city that was locked up?
I found a wreck, a recent one
Decorated with the old staff
You cannot find another gun
Through the city that was locked up
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Of Friendship, Promises And Picks
We were driving in a car towards the cliff
Right before the moment we went down
He turned his head and said:
Look man, if I die and you survive
You can have my guitar picks
But that was just a dream
We were heading towards the butcher's knife
Right before our heads went down
He closed his eyes and said:
Look man, if I die and you survive
Would you take a message to my wife?
But that was just a dream
We were flapping both our wings near the sun
Right before they all fell down
He yelled his lungs and said:
Look man, if I die and you survive
You’ll still be my rightful arm
But that was just a dream
We were falling straight into the devil's mouth
Right before he chewed our bones
He laughed to me and said:
Look man, if I die and you survive
Would you bury me near my house?
But that was just a dream
The best nightmare I ever had
But still I took a message to his wife
I told her that she is the meaning of his life
And I still guide him when I can
When he needs I offer him a helping hand
And when the time will come for him to pass
And if he dies and I'll survive
I’ll bury him near his house
And right before this statement ends
And everything is done as gift
I’ll walk to him and say:
Hey man, you promised me your guitar picks
Monday, 24 May 2010
The Boy Who Didn't Understand The World, Part One
There was a boy who always thought that he was born too late
And every day he looked around at people, how they live
He never found the smallest thing to which he could relate
And everyone and everything was meaningless for him
And he was young, already lost between the mysteries
Nobody there to make him comprehend the ways in life
And not a dawn in which he felt that he could fill the needs
Cause every single day was just the same – an endless ride
At night he always felt like he could lose his mind for good
And he was biting both his fists to keep his head alert
He was the only one with whom he shared a goodnight hug
His words alone were meant to keep him sane and firm
But when he fell asleep at last, he always found his dreams
A single figment of his mind in which he felt complete
There he could meet the greatest men that ever lived or live
And so the world he had in mind had turned him strong from weak
Sunday, 16 May 2010
Pros About Cons
I made a face from a banana and two oranges
I draw some wind on the sky to blow the clouds
I lifted all the bugs that were swimming though the leaves
And I’ve build a colony for them on a clear ground
I ate my lemons without a frown on my sunny face
I crossed the street to pick some flowers from a sear field
I stare the bulldog in the eye and made him dance
And I made the stick go over the mountains and all the seas
I broke the ant farm and sold their freedom for a smile
I put the radio on a solitary frequency just to hear the buzz
I am going to touch the wall even if it is electrified
And I will love it and it will answer my touch with a fuss
I slept on the roof while everyone was drinking ice tea inside
I told the sun my stories; he liked them and colored me brown
I sold my umbrellas to poor men for a walk on the country side
And I made a joke about a river when water was pouring down
I spent a day without opening my eyes or use my hands
I want to better understand the crippled and the blind
I hit a chair, a table, the dog, a toy and an empty desk
I ate straight from the plate, I made a mess but I don’t mind
I went to start a war with all the kids from the block
I build the best fortress anyone can build from snow
I made a weird shaped kind of snowman dork
And I said some funny words to the man who tore it down
I wrote a poem about not carrying a bit about the world
I mean, I wrote about not carrying about what’s wrong with it
In fact, I wrote about being grateful to what shines gold
And I want you to know you might just be best of it
Thursday, 13 May 2010
The Girl Who Saved The Bird, Part Three
Two years past – the girl still young – but she remembered all
And in her sleep, while dreaming dreams, she smiled peacefully
She always thought about the bird and everything that was
And every day she searched the sky for flapping of its wings
The forest was her second home – she always walked its roads
She took a walk in each of days and slept beneath the trees
She always hoped she’d find the bird so she was looking up
But there were other pairs of wings and other kinds of trills
And then one day she thought she heard what must have been a greet
She raised her head and up a tree a nest was full of life
The bird she nursed was putting food in every little beak
And there was joy as every bird was soon prepared to fly
The girl felt warm – her soul was dressed in vivid shining light
Her patient flew in circles while watching from above
It landed on her shoulder and kept her in its sight
Now in its eyes, reflected, was the girl who saved the bird
I stood on the top of the mountain and saw
The people fighting for nothing below
Anger is coming out of their mouth
From the top you can see all the flaws
Chaos is winning the fight with control
If north’s the direction we’re traveling south
I see everything but I cannot explain
Why are they causing themselves so much pain?
Always destroying what they create
I don’t wanna be a part of their reign
The human race is built up on stains
Nothing can clean this grease and this mess
Every day I see a fight
All the same I see at night
In my dream I see a fight
All around nothing is right
All the reasons are childish and sour
There’s no excuse in lusting for power
The course is set to self destruction
Behind the masks you find only cowards
Preaching and gaining adepts by the hour
Feeding the ways of their corruption
Though I am high I don’t think I’m tall
Nor that I have some kind of control
All I can do is sit and observe
Low as they are they think they have all
But they are just flies hitting the wall
They’re not the center of this universe
All around people are mean
Everyone needs everything
People are defined by greed
They have dreams they need to feed
Every day I see a war
Deep inside they have a war
And outside they have one more
People are defined by war
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
I took the bus tonight, alone
Thinking at my universe
No one sitting next to me, in font
There were to empty seats
People crawling all around, in packs
Praising everything they have
Their eyes avoiding me
Laughing at my integrity
I stole a leaf tonight, again
Now I hold it in my hand
It’s not the way it used to be, its smell
Don’t tell me anything
I know I shouldn’t see this way
But this is how I see
The leaves are judging me
Pointing at my integrity
I read the news tonight, about
The world and everything around
But I was not alone, in fact
I read them on the sidewalk
They turned their head around, to see
A freak is how they label me
I don’t care of what they think
Staring at my integrity
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Introspection From Two Points of View
From this place in my head
Where I am, where I live
Through my flesh and my bones
I observe another me
My wits roam in the rain
The ways are cut or blocked
And someone seems to say
You cannot pass, this way is shut!
And I’m walking through the shadow
Towards what seems like a door
And I’m counting all the traps
That I see laying on the floor
I cannot go just straight ahead
And numbers seem to hold me back
This cloud appears in my mind
And makes the time derail its track
All I want, all I need
Is a way out of rage
But the key to the door
Is well locked in my cage
They deny me all my rights
Prosecutors dressed in black
And I know I’m the one
Who can fight, take me back
And I’m walking through the ashes
Of my past desires’ log
And I’m counting all the villains
On my way towards the door
I cannot avoid the fights
And numbers seem to grow each day
This storm heightens in my head
And makes the road just mud and clay
Monday, 3 May 2010
The Girl Who Saved The Bird, Part Two
She gave it water, gave it food, she gave it love and smiles
And every medicine that helps to mend the wounds and pain
She nursed the bird; she watched it with protective eyes
And she caressed its plume and beak and smiled once again
And day by day it came to live – started to sing its songs
And flipped its wings from time to time to train them for the flight
And it was jumping up and down while coming to a form
And there was love into its eyes – its savior was in sight
Then came the day when it was healed and felt the pain no more
And started flying through the house in circles through the rooms
It filled the days with happy trills and warbles to adore
But this was nothing but a cage and stories need to move
The girl was crying one again but tears of happiness
She traveled through the house and opened every window wide
The bird caressed her with its beak then flew to providence
And with its wings she drew some waves with which she said goodbye
Saturday, 1 May 2010
The Girl Who Saved The Bird, Part One
There was a child – uncertain age, but little nonetheless
Her hair was blond, her hands were clean and she was singing songs
She walked the forest through the trees enjoying loneliness
And all the birds were building nests and they all sang along
And as she walked after the rain she found a baby bird
It sang in sighs and it was wet and barely hold its breath
Its broken wings were dropped in mud, it fell from up above
It was too young to start to fly and rain came to its death
The girl was crying in a bit, she kneeled to the ground
She took the bird into her hands and started running fast
Her tears were a second rain and flowers bloom around
And all the critters in the wood were hoping for the best
She reached her house, her loving mom and told the story all
Between the hiccups and the tears she managed to conclude
Her only thought – to save the bird – she wanted nothing more
To see it fly and sing the songs as any bird should do
Monday, 26 April 2010
Little Things That Matter
Somewhere in the world another butterfly starts another hurricane
A smiling kid enjoys the beating echo of his little drum’s membrane
While shining stars are putting up a fight for their precious hall of fame
And elephants are watching down to ashen mice from their higher plane
Somewhere in the world a cute young girl is dressing up her impassive doll
An older man enjoys a song and blows all of his candles blessing god
While angry men in sturdy chairs are screaming, fighting for the map's control
And bulls are raging, running for annoying flags painted with victims’ blood
Somewhere in the world the calm hand of an artist paints his naked muse
A father helps his son to finish up the tree house that he will start to use
While wealthy personalities all think they are eccentric for abuse
And faces open wide at tons of weapons from which they have to choose
Somewhere in the world a man screams out his soul while jumping from a peak
A boy is lost between all sorts of ice-cream from which he has to pick
While women starve themselves thinking that beauties are always thin not thick
And people who believe that they are smart are never taking time to think
Friday, 23 April 2010
Don't Fear The Cat
To me it seems this cat is thick
My leg went numb and starts to sting
My head performs a random trick
And all my blood boils in a bit
Can I afford to care for her?
And lose myself into her fur?
Or listen how she meows and purr?
Have I the strength to care for her?
I see the claws, I see the teeth
I see the missing puzzle piece
And if there is a threatening list
Is shorter than those better things
But will she think I’m just a mouse?
What will she think about my past?
Will she enjoy the greenest grass?
Or climb a tree and watch me pass?
Thursday, 22 April 2010
Waiting For The 10:09
This is for the miss
Who was cleaning the train station
After lucky filthy pigs
You didn’t had a head start
And you deserve a lot much better
But you have to live like this
I love you miss
Forget those pigs
I love you miss
Forgive those pigs
And I can tell you this
In every language of the world
You’d understand
But would those pigs?
And you deserve a lot much better
But you have to live like this
I love you miss
Forget those pigs
I love you miss
Forgive those pigs
And I can even cipher this
In every secret hidden code
Your sidekick would translate it
But would those pigs?
He too deserves a lot much better
But he has to live like this
He loves you miss
Forget those pigs
He loves you miss
Forgive those pigs
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
"Maybe The Best Of Things"
Two dices are rolling and rolling in your hand
Dream only at nothing and nothing waits at the end
Suppress your feelings and you won't feel a thing
Put water on fire, you will sure extinguish it
My name means nothing more than it should
Your eyes believe but your brain stops the mood
Reach for my hand, I cannot promise I’m good
But I can prove myself and I promise I would
Sometimes it's better to turn your head in a way
That permits you to hear what others can say
Don’t open your mouth to deny every pray
The smallest sun can begin the longest day
Fly to the clouds and clean your hands in their water
The birds can help you to train your wings proper
You can’t do a thing if you don’t even bother
Just open your eyes and look over the border
Thursday, 15 April 2010
For Whom Might See
Two little greens
Like natural machines
Like moistly leaves
Like flowers born in spring
Two little deeps
Like honey made by bees
Like ocean trips
Like something bittersweet
Two little charms
Like furry animals
Like water on my arms
Like quiet car alarms
Two little stones
Like precious anecdotes
Like walking in reverse
Like temples for the moles
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
All the monsters are misunderstood
They don’t ever want to be so rude
In the deepest corner of their hearts
You can see the absence of love
Tall and mean, two eyes glowing red
Stronger arms than you will ever have
But what does this all have to do
With the fact that they are not approved
Twists of fate always seem to prove
They don’t turn out to be so good
But the leaves, when the year falls
Leave trees naked for better not for worse
Climb a ladder to the very top
Then slide down till you hit the ground
Analyze these actions in your mind
What is simple, to climb or to slide?
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
The Fragile
Life is nothing but a fly
Hanging from the spider’s web
It could brake and you could fall
Or he could come and eat you whole
Life is nothing but a fire
Reaching towards the sky
It could rain and put you out
Or you could burn till the last log
Life is nothing but a dream
Taking you astray
You could wake and it could end
Or sleep until the dream is dead
Life is nothing but a... life
Carrying the weight
You could die by accident
Or when it’s written in your fate
Monday, 12 April 2010
Unnatural Solutions, Or How To Choose Wrong
Nature brought beauty while mankind brought laws
And everything after was altered by those
If nature is prey then we have big jaws
We bite and we chew, we scratch with them claws
We feel the hunger so we have to eat
We never get tired, we never need sleep
This is a rampage that we’ll never heed
Starting gun went off, finish line was missed
Nature brought order while mankind brought goals
They all live their lives according to those
They search for answers, meaning and purpose
Thinking simplicity’s a terrible curse
Isn’t life granted just to be lived?
Why looking farther and not at our feet?
But this is a thought that we’ll never think
We dream to aspire towards infinite
Nature brought color while mankind brought thrones
They all fight their way to catch one of those
Stepping on people as if they were stones
Trying their best in the worst set of tones
So black is the color they decided to pick
To hide every each other that makes them look weak
And the mist of life is as white as it’s thick
We could never translate the meaning of it
Nature brought beings while mankind brought stones
They plant all the lands with many of those
A life is translated in two simple years
And what’s in between forgotten and cleared
In history men found new ways to complete
The graveyards with other men that they’ve killed
They’ve used their energy towards their defeat
Instead of trying to find new ways to live
Thursday, 8 April 2010
And we can sleep awhile
Outstretched on the sand
And you can rest you hair
On my hospitable hand
And we can dream awhile
So we can share adventure
On a faraway island
In search for a treasure
The ocean and the wind
The seagulls in the air
They all can form a band
And sing to our care
The food we’ll have with us
Will let us stay for days
We’ll never find a thing
Standing in our ways
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Four By Four
There’s a witch in my room
And she flies on her broom
And I can’t save my head from her spells
And I run, and I run
But she comes all around
On my trails and her laughs made me fell
It’s a move I can’t keep
And I’m starting to trip
Very soon you will find me on the floor
And I’ll stay like baby
And I’ll wonder if maybe
I'll have strength to reach for the door
But you’ll come, save my head
Offering me your hand
I will take it anytime, anyhow
And you’ll send me a smile
Taking me on an isle
Where the witch cannot come hunt me down
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
If you were a sin, I’d be a sinner
And if you were a bet, I’d be a winner
There is no need for nothing bigger
If you were a claw, I’d be the pray
And if you were a vase, I’d be the clay
I’d be more fond of you with every day
If you were a screamer, I’d be your yell
And if you were a break, I’d be the bell
I’d never need to hear another fairytale
If you were a pond, I’d be a fish
And if you were a meal, I’d be a dish
I’d need no falling star to make a wish
Friday, 2 April 2010
Mockery To A Certain Type Of People
Flying in my universe
In my suit and classy shoes
I am the ruler of the herd
I’m the one who brings the news
Sleeping in my infant bed
Worn out like a fishing line
I am the brick above your head
I’m the one who slows the time
Eating all my fingernails
Followed by a stupid ghost
I am the evil on your trails
I’m the one who dares to cross
Thinking at my TV set
And how to buy more fat and drinks
I am smarter than the rest
I’m the one who sees the tricks
Resting on my lonely chair
Just me and my memory
I am the holder of your air
I’m the one with company
Counting sheep when I’m asleep
Having more with every night
I am rich and I am a creep
I’m the one who gives the right
And when you say I am the weak
I promise I don’t understand
You don’t have stones
You don’t have sticks
There’s just the pleasure to pretend
So in your mind you are the best
Just like the other people there
They are the few
They’re not the rest
Just kings of nothing everywhere
Just grab yourself from inside out
Transform the “with” into “without”
That static picture on the wall
Is just a picture, not a mirror
The king you dream is far away
Trapped in the realm of memory
Just grab yourself from inside out
You’ll find a different you, no doubt
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
1 +1 = 0
Visez cum zbor deasupra lumii precum un vultur
Sunt mulţumit de aripi dar nu pot să mă bucur
Văd râuri înverzite
Câmpii despădurite
Specii întregi vânate
Oraşe acid plouate
Priviri abandonate
Persoane separate
Feţe îmbătrânite
Şi de copii uitate
Văd multă foamete
Resurse limitate
Lipsuri accentuate
Îndatoriri prea multe
Suflete vinovate
Inimi abandonate
Promisiuni deşarte
Anostele faţade
Văd arme îndreptate
Cu multă răutate
Drepturi nerespectate
Puteri nemeritate
Crime exagerate
Culori decolorate
Trupuri însângerate
Împrejurări nefaste
Văd câmpuri de culoare
Şi păsări migratoare
Drumuri şiroitoare
Reflexia de soare
Lumini licăritoare
Păduri înfloritoare
Şi vise zburătoare
Pe feţe zâmbitoare
Văd râuri curgătoare
Şi verzile covoare
Cum cresc vieţuitoare
Ori păsări cântătoare
Şi mase mişcătoare
De umbre călătoare
A norilor vâltoare
Schimbând a lumii stare
Văd braţe primitoare
Şi braţe muncitoare
Minuni strălucitoare
Mişcări unduitoare
Poveşti încântătoare
Şi pânze centenare
Stropite cu culoare
Dar totul se anulează şi nu mai văd nimic
Mă-ntorc bătând din aripi spre muntele meu mic
Friday, 26 March 2010
Cutia De Sub Pom
Îmi e dor de mâna ta şi de rochia cu buline
Vreau să doborâm recordul săriturii în lungime
Când rămân fără zahăr ştiu că pot găsi la tine
În fiecare dimineaţă o s-alerg după albine
Cunosc un loc pe o stâncă de unde vezi pe mare
Cum valuri spală plaja încălzită de soare
Noi trebuia să mergem pe acolo zi de zi
Noapte de noapte, vis de vis, aşa am fi rămas copii
Îmi e dor de albul tău şi de frica de-nălţime
Vreau să simt o mână rece, răcorindu-mă pe mine
Când văd faţa de copil cum îmi cere ocrotire
Nu-mi doresc să pierd nicicând fabuloasa amintire
Voi purta tricouri roşii şi le voi păta cu fructe
O să ştiu unde-am rămas fiindcă am un semn de carte
Fiecare broască verde provenită de pe Marte
Va fi ceas deşteptător după fiecare noapte
Nu voi uita nicicând mirosul de mac
Aş vrea să spun tuturor dar am să tac
Şi voi preţui fiecare creion
Voi desena corăbii şi porţi de beton
Nu voi uita nicicând plimbarea din parc
Am ales acest moment şi îl voi păstra cu drag
Nu voi arunca niciuna din foile colorate
Înţesate cu momente ce nu trebuiesc uitate
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Copie A Unui Vis
Păstrez o ultimă speranţă, ascunsă bine în pământ
Într-o cutie aproape goală, cu vremuri bune de demult
Şi am să creionez o hartă, ca să fiu sigur că nu uit
Şi am s-o rup în bucăţele, ca să fiu sigur că o uit
Iar drumul meu s-a despărţit acum de cel pe care l-aş fi vrut
Sunt numai la un pas în dreapta, distanţă de nestrăbătut
Aud ecoul unui mers ce-mi este mult prea bine cunoscut
Zâmbesc şi îl ascult, ca să fiu sigur ca nu-l uit
Monday, 22 March 2010
Presimt furtună de nisip
Presimt un nume insipid
O lume goală de culoare
O viaţă numai coridoare
Prevăd mulţime de motive
Prevăd priviri ostentative
Un munte de noroi uscat
Motivul pe jos aruncat
Nu îndrăznesc să sper în bine
Nu-mi caut salvatoru-n nimeni
Aştept o zi cu soare cald
Femeia îmbrăcată-n alb
Lumina caldă de odată
Aştept figura dezgheţată
Aştept o gură zâmbitoare
Sămânţa preschimbată-n floare
Poate vreodată voi trăi
Poate neşansa va muri
Umbra îmi va fi neagră fum
Iarba va creşte lângă drum
Voi alerga spre soare-atunci
Voi mişuna pe lângă stânci
Voi înota în râul clar
Voi alunga furtuna iar…
Dacă îmi aduc bine aminte, acestea au fost primele versuri pe care le-am scris în română. Parcă a fost acum câteva secole. Eram altfel atunci. Dar lumea se schimbă. "Femeia" a venit, a şi plecat, dar nu departe; iar albe erau doar bulinele de pe rochia sa roşie. Bineînţeles că minţeam în aceste versuri. Îmi căutam salvatorul şi ea a fost. În proces mi-a distrus finalul unei cărţi, dar nu pot decât să mă bucur pentru asta. Sper să nu am vreodată ocazia să îi întorc binele, sper să-i meargă totul perfect, dar dacă va fi nevoie...
Poate următoarele versuri îi vor fi dedicate ei.
Mă gândeam că voi posta doar versuri, niciodată gânduri directe, dar unele situaţii sunt speciale. Şi trebuia să confirm cumva regula, nu?
Saturday, 13 March 2010
Un Pătrat Cu Colţuri Rotunjite
Sunt un pătrat cu colţuri rotunjite
Port ochelari, am braţe adormite
Când mă trezesc privesc spre lumină
Îmi iau un prosop şi merg la piscină
Dar stai! Că nu am piscină
Am doar o garsonieră şi bani de benzină
Dar stai! Că n-am nici maşină
Am doar o bicicletă mâncată de rugină
Sunt un pieton cu haine jerpelite
Merg la metrou cu gaşca de termine
Privesc la mine în reflexia-ncreţită
Dincolo de praf văd faţa-mi reuşită
Dar stai! Că nu e reuşită
Am nasul strâmb şi gura aurită
Dar stai! Că nu e aurită
Vorbeşte aiureli când nu este strunită
Şi ori de câte ori strivesc un cărăbuş
Sau văd o pată neagră la mine în culcuş
Îmi iau patul rotund şi îl arunc pe geam
Vecinii cred ca-s dus dar nu dau nici un ban
A doua zi când plec îmi dăruiesc priviri
Şi sigur că se întreabă de ce eu le evit
Dar ei în graba lor probabil că îşi spun
Că am probleme grave şi că sunt cam nebun
Sunt doar un ţicnit cu mintea colorată
Visez la pescăruşi şi-arome de-ngheţată
Când mă voi trezi voi colinda pe mare
Şi voi avea un vas cu vele zâmbitoare
Dar stai! Că eu am rău de mare
Şi fiecare val e-o altă provocare
Dar stai! Că nu pot sta la soare
Fiecare rază mă arde foarte tare
Şi ori de câte ori îmbrăţişez un urs
Sau urmăresc fugind al râurilor curs
Îmi iau capul în mâini şi plâng când mă gândesc
Că oameni-s nebuni, nu eu că le iubesc
Dar voi nu observaţi nimic din ce vedeţi
Şi vă uitaţi la lume ca la nişte pereţi
De ce aveţi nevoie în loc să vă opriţi?
Să fiţi ca mine toţi, doar nişte ţicniţi?
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
Visul Din Vis Din Vis Din Vis Din Vis...
Visez mirosuri jucăuşe şi apă
Reflexii de alb aruncate de stânci
Şi creta cum cade supusă spre jos
Colorând nisipul cu urme adânci
Adorm iar în vis şi visez cum adorm
Cu mâna căzută, murdară de cretă
Un peşte înoată făcând valuri adânci
Şi-mi mângâie mană ascunsă, discretă
O rază de soare se bate cu vântul
Împinge din greu, alunecă des
Iar vântul îmi leagănă mâna încet
Pe când raza o arde fără vreun sens
Acum se aude un plâns cum mă cheamă
O pasăre-ncearcă să prindă-acel peşte
Dar el se agită din coadă şi aripi
Iar pasărea ţipă când brusc se fereşte
Şi firele de nisip se freacă de ele
Doar cele aproape de mal tac din gură
Căci apa le udă, se simt răcorite
Pe când cele distante sunt calde sub mană
Iar eu mă ridic şi ţin pumnul închis
Păşesc pe nisipul ce tălpile-mi arde
Ajung lângă mal udându-mi picioarele
Şi arunc nisipul din pumn către mare
Şi iar mă ridic auzind acel plâns
Văd pasărea dând târcoale frenetic
Aşa că iau peştele şi-l ascund
Unde ţineam mâna ascunsă noetic
Dar raza mă scoală din visul acesta
Căci vântul cam pierde în lupta directă
Îndes cât pot aer în plămânii-odihniţi
Şi suflu spre nori, aduc umbra perfectă
Din nou mă trezesc gâdilat de ceva
Somnul îmi zboară purtat de curent
Iau peştele ce-noată confuz, încurcat
Şi îl redau căminului său transparent
Nu mai miroase a peşte deloc
Şi nici a ars sau căldură toridă
Mă pot trezi în precedentul meu vis
Unde m-aşteaptă o stânca de cretă…
Monday, 1 March 2010
Clară Şi Conturată Ca-n Poveşti
Asta e doar pentru o seară goală
Pereţii monoton de albi te înconjoară
Ai vrea să pleci, să aduni imagini noi
O viziune clară ce aparţine lumii moi
Un pescăruş ce zboară între munţi
Un peşte de-apă dulce printre creveţi
Mai mulţi cei negrii decât cei albi
Doi sori şi amândoi destul de orbi
Nu vrei doar să îţi bei apa dulce?
Să îţi astâmperi setea de ciudat?
S-alegi un drum mai nou ce duce
Spre un tărâm mai minunat?
Nu vrei să zbori acolo sus de tot
Unde poate te-aşteaptă cineva?
Şi să vorbeşti despre cum de pot
Unii să nu-nţeleagă setea ta?
Nu e prea greu să îţi doreşti
Nu e prea greu să ceri ce vrei
Nu e prea greu să fii ce eşti
Dar e destul de greu să ai ce vrei…
Nu îţi pot da acum nimic afară de cuvinte
Aş vrea să pot ca să te port în altă lume
Dar eşti departe, iar eu nu îmi aduc aminte
De un tărâm pe care să-l preferi anume
Îţi pot ura doar să visezi un vis mai ireal
Unde să poţi vedea tot ce-ţi doreşti
Un vis în care schiţa planului tău mental
Să fie clară şi conturată ca-n poveşti
Monday, 22 February 2010
David Tiller’s Dream World
The things are way better inside.
The world is just great in my mind.
It don’t matter it was black and white.
Now every color brings it to life.
I see the mountains rise in the west.
An old man lives there on the crest.
He looks to the sky and the land
Deciding if clouds will come next.
In front there’s a forest so green,
The leaves come alive and they sing.
A young girl walks right by the trees
Taking care of this marvelous dream.
If I look to the east not for long,
And I see the sea seeing the sun,
My face grins and I walk by the shore,
Feeling the breeze elevating my soul.
A river runs cutting the land.
Crystal water, you can see the sand.
You mirror your face on its plane.
You’ll never feel thirsty again.
A castle thrones all you can see.
Its walls are of stone and of glee.
Its towers are high as a tree,
And flags animate in the wind.
But to south, if you turn around,
You will see a single black cloud.
There’s a story that needs to be found,
And the teller is getting so loud.
Monday, 15 February 2010
The Power Of Example?
The earth is reaching for the sky, searching for relief.
The sky is sending all its clouds, embracing mountain peaks.
The water falls, evaporates and carries all their thoughts.
They never lost a single day to share this special love.
The sun is running round and round, encircling the world.
The moon is scouting through the night until the breaking dawn.
They never catch each other’s sight but they’re not giving up.
They hope they’ll meet one day and share their priceless love.
The river runs and cleans the lands no matter all the blocks.
The sea is longing for caress within his gentle grasp.
They wait the moment they are one, they dream the day will come
When they will share a tender kiss to seal all their love.
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
Mere Shadows
So do you know who wears the mask?
She stretches right there from your feet.
And every single day and night
She always makes you feel complete.
She knows the rhythm of your steps,
She knows your every single move.
And when you’re tired, left behind,
She turns her head and waits for you.
But do you know when she is sad?
And do you know when she is lonely?
When is the last time you looked down
And smiled at her stretched on the soil?
You took for granted her attendance
And never wonder why and how.
You think you are the reason why;
You think she always knows the how.
But she is kind and she is simple,
She’ll always be there by your side.
She understands your egoism,
She’ll never leave you there to die.
You need to talk to her tonight,
And smile at her and hold her hand.
You need to sketch her every curve
And visualize her silhouette.
You see her now with different eyes.
She has a shape you never seen.
She’s not a stranger without face.
She’ll be forever in your dreams.
And now you won’t need someone else.
When all the others let you down,
You’ll have her following your trace
On all your walks across the town.
Sunday, 7 February 2010
The mystique fiber of everything accomplished
Empowers every cog in the web-like machine.
Refined with reeking steam their breath is casting
A plain mechanical charisma in between.
The painted stare that every man is wearing,
Sustained by crippled artist hands that falter;
A muted exhibition ripped from the ordinary,
Where mimes are trapped and the escape is shattered.
The golden wires are hidden from our blinded eyes
And alternate commands are passing through our brains.
A static disappointment but we engage the lies;
We guess there’s a solution but don’t leave the race.
The lullaby of horrors that keeps us paralyzed;
Magnetic implications that lyrics propagate;
You go to sleep and suddenly your hands are tied
And soon the master will pass you through the gate.
The cynic balsam that mummifies your soul;
Inhale the heavy drugs they send for your demise.
They guarantee you won’t feel anything at all
And nothing you will feel for your entire life.
The rain of cleaning mild solution every day;
And pipes are passing mind erasing antidotes.
It makes you feel your essence’s made of clay.
The itches aggravated by this new fashioned pox.
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
Among The Few
She was a saint, she was a miracle,
She lives inside my memories.
She never lied, she never cursed,
She never did unlawful things.
She told me stories every night,
Before I met the land of dreams.
Stories collected from her youth
And kept inside through centuries.
And when she told me all of them,
She started right there at the top.
And I was listening again.
And I was drinking every drop.
She always smiled holding my hand.
Even when she could see me not...
And she was crying happily,
Seeing my face inside her thoughts.
She didn't closed her eyes that day.
Maybe she waited there for me...
Maybe that's why she comes alive,
From time to time, within a dream...
And she is beautiful and warm
And makes me sleep so peacefully,
Thinking that every day and night
She watches from there over me.
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
If I were a crow,
I would leave the swamp for meadows.
If I were a hero,
I would wear two shinny medals.
But I'm not a crow.
And I'm not a hero.
If I were a bird,
I would fly across the world.
If I were a pawn,
I'd protect my king in war.
But I'm not a bird.
And I'm not a pawn.
If I were a fish,
I would never leave the lake.
If I were a wish,
I would be the wish you'd make.
But I'm not a fish.
And I'm not a wish.
If I were a cloud,
I would never rain on you.
If I were the sun,
I would start the day for you.
But I'm not a cloud.
And I’m not the sun.
I am the meadow that's stretching so far.
I am the medals that you wear so proud.
I am the sky as blue as your eyes.
I am the king fighting for lives.
I am the lake you're calling your home.
I am the person that wishes you now.
I am a day that’s sunny and bright.
I am a ray that comes holding light.
I am a reason, a reason to live.
I am an idea that you cannot see.
I am the heart beat of wake up alarms.
I am the words you're speaking in tongues.
I am the spirit of places untouched.
I am the marvel that you like to watch.
I am the crossroad you're facing right now.
I am the poet that's writing his vows.
Monday, 1 February 2010
The Meaning Of Life
Life is hugging a tree;
Life is loving a bee;
Life is watching the sun
As it rises or sinks from and into the ground.
Life is smiling at kids;
Life is learning to sing;
Life is knowing they’re wrong
But still love and adore and want to forgive.
Life is growing your hair;
Life is showing you care;
Life is counting the souls
As they come and they go into and out of your home.
Life is giving a hand;
Life is playing with sand;
Life is smelling a rose
While accepting not curse the stings from her thorns.